Review: The Real Thing By Cassie Mae

Read from August 22 to 24, 2016

I saw this at my library and borrowed it. I love the character Mia. She sweet, stubborn, crazy, childlike and a d*mn idiot. This book did have raunchy, laugh out moments and has me laughing quite hard. This book left me happy and a emotional, on the verge of tears, wreck til the very end. Reading it out loud and there was a point of the book where it picks up at a slow pace. The feels died then picks up towards the end and has me smiling like a d*mn fool. I hate to say this but Eric is a idiot too. A very, sexy sweet idiot but had his moments too. I love how they both love books and love the mia bookworm moments. I did however get angry and frustrated, having my moments as well. Mia and Eric are simply a beautiful mess. Cute, beautiful couple. When the book came to a close, i fangirl and said to myself," that was beautiful." a happy ending for them is a happier me. I enjoy this book.

Author: Cassie Mae

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Emotion: 😍

Recommend to anyone? Yes.

Recommend to? Friends and family


Genre: Romance


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